Why kids ages 4 - 12 should do Martial Arts and Parkour

Activities like Martial Arts, Parkour and Gymnastics are a fun way for both boys and girls to achieve fitness and focus. Some parents may think Martial Arts also promote violence, but that's a myth, according to experts. The Martial Arts actually help teach self-discipline and socialization skills. In fact, many parents whose children have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) report great success with these programs because self-control and concentration are exactly the skills underdeveloped in ADHD kids.

A typical class begins and ends with a bow to the instructor. After a warm-up, students practice the art's particular skills, which includes kicks, punches, blocks, forms and Martial Arts related weapons. Each requires concentration and strict attention.

Progress is marked by the belt system, which takes the beginner from a white belt through a variety of colors until black. Testing for each new level, generally every three months, is a good exercise in setting and achieving goals.

But, say experts, it's the respect kids learn, whether from bowing or standing still and waiting for the next command, that can be the most important benefit: It often carries over into school, helping to improve behavior and even grades, according to recent research.
Why Teens and Adults should do Martial Arts and Parkour

Full body workout – Martial Arts, Parkour and Gymnastics workouts encompass total body fitness. Running and jumping over and through obstacles requires work from all muscles. Kicking while jumping will utilize quick twitch muscle that may not be used in your normal day.

Mental strength - Martial arts practitioners are placed in difficult and stressful situations periodically throughout their training, yet are still expected to perform and think rationally.

Fosters creativity – Parkour encourages participants to use their creativity. Every obstacle you meet in parkour won’t have an obvious solution, so you must use your creativity to overcome it.

Boosts confidence – Martial Arts, Parkour and Gymnastics builds confidence by allowing people to be able to conquer things they would never have even attempted before. For example, when you see a large wall that before seemed like an impossible feat and you learn how to scale and get over it you may feel as though you can accomplish anything.

Skill-related fitness – Skill-related fitness includes agility, balance, power, speed, coordination, and reaction time. 

Cardiovascular endurance – Martial Arts, Parkour and Gymnastics requires participants to be extremely active. The constant moving, jumping, climbing, kicking and punching leads to increased stamina by participants, ensuring your heart is strong and enabling increased oxygen supply to your body.

Reduces antisocial behavior  To much screen time happening with your pre-teen and teen? Martial Arts, Parkour and Gymnastics has been proven to reduce antisocial behavior. Martial Arts, Parkour and Gymnastics gives people a positive way to direct their time and energy by presenting them with new challenges and obstacles each time they engage in the activities. Strong bonds and friendships are formed when training in Martial Arts, Parkour and Gymnastics.

Anyone can do it – Popular media makes Parkour seems like it consists of only large movements and flips, however, that is not all there is to it. Most parkour movements come from simple movements that easy to learn. You can also do it anywhere as there is no special equipment required.

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